Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Not Ready to Make Nice

So when liberals are not ready to make nice they win Grammys. When a certain liberal makes nice by apologizing to the world, wants to sit down with Jihadists, dictators and promises to "not have the cowboy attitude of the past" he gets a Nobel Peace Prize. Well I am not ready to make nice. I will call Harry Reid an idiot, I will call Nancy Pelosi out of touch with the real world, Barrack Hussien Obama a Muslim, Michelle Obama over exposed for a First lady. Now I know that the preceding video was directed at respected Conservative Laura Ingrham, but the sentiment should apply to both parties. If you are passionate about something, you should not Shut Up you should sing about it. I am against Nationalizing Health care and anyone who is for it either doesn't pay taxes or is stupid. BHO has said that this is deficit neutral. So why is the tax increase to pay for it based on the inflation that he is creating? If I get to keep the health care that I have, why is there a 6% tax increase on corporations that supply health care to their employees? If this plan does not target Seniors, how do they plan on cutting costs when 80% of Health care costs come from Seniors? If the plan is so great why is it 2200 pages long? What else is in there? Most of my blogs have railed against this plan, but I don't seem to reach enough people. Your Health Care costs are going up, so is gas, groceries, and other amenities. That is based on the fact the dollar in devaluing. That is the President's fault. Everything is going up except salaries. Solution, stop voting Democrat. They devalue long term employees by increasing the minimum wage, devalue the dollar by borrowing money that they can't pay back, devalue patriotism by insulting those that don't agree with them, devalue American soldiers by waffling on support, devalue Capitalism by teaching you to hate Corporations.
My next blog should include a scene from the movie Idiocrocy where the hero tries to explain that they should water the plants in order for them to grow, but the others don't understand why they should do that. "Plant never grew out of the toilet". This is where we are in the country. When you explain to the people why what they are doing doesn't work and present them with something that does work, they don't get it. (See Where in the Constitution). Suggestion to Nancy Pelosi fix you state by increasing the voting age to 35. OK that came from left field (no pun intended). Anyway government run health care sucks and we should defeat it.


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