Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Fans of Joe Wilson

The following people, based on their comments are fans of Joe Wilson. He is the Representative from South Carolina who yelled out you lie during President Obama's speech:
Nancy Pelosi
Joe Biden
Jeremiah Wright
Van Jones
Jesse Jackson
Barack Obama
Harry Ried
Jeanne Garafalo(sp?) no disrespect intended, but I am white
Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton
Code Pink
Reform for America Now
All the people that sang the "Hey Hey Goodbye" song during The Presidential Inauguration
All the coconuts (Mark Levin phrase) in Congress that booed when then President Bush suggested we should reform Medicare and Social Security in 2006.
I probably forgot some people but the point is that the libs believe that dissent is good when the cause supports their ideology. I support all dissenters. Speak out, but be articulate, factual, and respectful. All opinions are welcome here. You can disagree all day long, but tell me why without name-calling or labeling. And for the record I do not listen to the Rush Limbaugh Show, though I should he sounds like an intelligent person (If he agrees with me) Sarcasm intended.
I don't get it, it is patriotic to protest the war, abortion rights, wiretapping, enhanced interrogations, if YOUR guy is not in office, but when YOUR guy does the same thing (the war in Afghanistan, corporations turning over their computers) it is okay. The only consistent member of the cuckoo-clan is Cindy Sheehan who has said "War is wrong no matter who the President is." By the way libs, your Messiah who is destined to change the world, has followed the Bush doctrine in Iraq(now liberated) and in Afghanistan(voted for the first time).
If the left was more consistent they wouldn't be so frustrating.(Libs are fun when they're not in power-Mark Levin) Fine you don't agree with me. But you can't continue down this road of hypocrisy and hope to survive, the American people are too smart.
The debate is over. The American people have spoken. The translation of these statements is equivalent to "I am the Mom that's why" We didn't stand for it as 8 year old kids; why should we stand for it now. The American people have spoken 10 months ago, 52.7% said they wanted this guy as President. But 88% don't want Nationalize Health care. The American people have spoken. Why aren't the leadership listening now.


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