Firs,t I would like to thank Great website. Check it out.
A lot has been said about these videos this week. I would like to take the time to deconstruct one of the praise songs. I would like to say that I don't sing praises to any man. Only God and his son Jesus Christ. With that said, after the MMM Barack Hussein Obama the first line is "Make this country strong again". How is he doing that? Missile defense shield is down in Europe, rights for terrorists in gitmo and working to bring them on our soil. Going after the producers of this country, apologizes for America at every opportunity, and ignores the voice of the American people. I ask again to a President that says nothing positive about his country, how is making us strong? And were we really that weak in the first place?
"Equal work and Equal pay". Let's see: capping CEO's salaries. For all of you that work under a CEO and you make a per hour paycheck, are you responsible for the entire corporation? And if there are so many restrictions, where is the incentive to move up? I guess there's not, just demand more money with no additional responsibilities. Paying the Unions before shareholders, which includes money to Union retirees that haven't worked for the company for years.
"Everyone gets a chance" A chance to do what? Succeed? 10% unemployment. Expanding unemployment benefits. Pushing Cap and Trade. Trying to put the insurance companies out of business. Therefore there will be more unemployment. By increasing taxes on everyone. I don't see where everyone has a chance.
"All the people are in his sights". What does this mean? Does this mean that there is an attack on the American people? He has told us to shut up and get out of the way. He also pushes for civility. Meaning shut up again. His agenda is compassionate. Yeah, get insurance or go to jail with a hefty fine. That's compassion?
Finally, "We honor you". For what? Getting elected. I can get elected. He hasn't even fulfilled the three things that he campaigned on ( bring our troops home, fix the economy, spend less than Bush). What are his accomplishments? List them please!
So not only is the indoctrination sickening, but it is just more rhetoric. I want a real, direct, talking to. I haven't watched PBS for over 30 years, so stop the clever songs and the catchy chants. Tell me what you are going to do and if we the people don't like it, deal with it.
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