Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cuba is a Model?

Why is that cuckoos AKA Morons love Cuba. Is it the good climate? The cigars? The fact they get nearly destroyed by a hurricane every year? (No thanks to global warming). Sean Penn (idiot) loves Cuba. Micheal Moore(idiot) loves Cuba. Dare I say President Obama loves Cuba (idiot). If you find me in a back alley with the letters ACORN or SEIU in my skull will you please contact Kim Kardasian's dad before they do. According to the truth Archive on Cuba at 87,073 deaths of non-combat deaths under Castro from 1959-2005. With the "fantastic" (sarcasm is mine) health care you think they could have shrunk that number. What is it with Cuba that Sean Penn and idiots like him like about this Communist thugocrocy. Hey Mr. Penn, you became famous in America rolling out of a van and banging your head with a Van (shoe) claiming how stoned you were. Is that it? The Cuban pot is is the best therefore everything that comes out of Cuba is good? Castro kills people that he doesn't agree with. I don't agree with you can I kill you? Of course not that is neither Christian nor American. You can, in THIS country believe what ever you want. In Cuba you would be dead. I will not read your Vanity Fair article so will you e mail me your response to the questions I have posted here. That is I cannot get the fascination with Cuba. Didn't JFK a so-called Democrat once mount and offensive toward this threat? Why? If this is great country with great health care and leadership? Even some Democrats in this country hold him in great regard. So to extrapolate this out you want the leadership of this country to execute anyone who disagrees with it. Again under that thought process you would be dead and so would the Dixie Chicks, Cindy Shehann, Wanda Sykes, David Letterman, and the list goes on. Mr. Penn, you can not support a dirtbag like Castro without applying it to your own country. That is what makes you an idiot. You want YOUR opinion to be protected, but anyone that disagrees with you is not progessive.
I can tell you what makes this country for YOU can YOU do the same for Cuba?


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Where in the Constitution Pt2 This all the proof you need that the government that you voted in is doing what ever the Hell they want

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Robert Riech is a Fear Monger

When you listen to the first clip you get a faux -intellectual telling you that everyone that is against the public option(from here on it will be referred to as the government option) is using fear tactics and false information. He explains(falsely) that you can continue to buy insurance as you always have. Except that he left out the fact that.once the government option is in place, the private insurance has to offer the same plan as the government option. Example: a 66 year old man has to carry a plan that includes pre-natal care. You are forced to buy insurance, you no longer have a choice (option). Employers will be taxed if they don't comply with the government option. He claims that everyone hates insurance. Though poll after poll shows that 80% of Americans are satisfied with their insurance plan. The complaints are coming from the fact that some of the costs are coming from they have to pay for things that they will never use.

Massachusetts forces everyone to buy insurance and they have the highest insurance costs in the nation. And it sucks. Oregon has a Health care plan. And it sucks. Unless you need an abortion, are addicted to drugs, alcohol, or are obeese. The facts show that when government gives you an option all it does is increase the costs to the taxpayer. He says the government option would not be subsidised by anyone. I think he meant to say everyone who pays taxes. The government produces nothing, therefore the money can only come from one source: YOU. He said that it would negotiate lower prices. Since when does the government care about lower prices. He says the drug companies have and interest in seeing this fail. But Pharamacutical companies are supposedly on board with this. He says it cost too much. How much is your life worth? I have never walked into a medical office and said "Please skimp on my treatment" or "Don't do everything you can to save the life of my child". We Americans complain about the cost of everything. That is what we do. "If it free it is for me" should be our motto.

He says the lobbyist in Washington are pushing to defeat this. don't know...AARP, AMA, big Pharm, ABA (American Bar Association) , SEIU, UAW, NEA, ACORN. Wait they all support this.

In the second clip you get the truth about the government option. It will kill people because the government chooses to. Whichever disease is politically forthright(gave the most money) will get treatment because the government said so. Hey libs remember when you hated the man, now the man is choosing who lives and dies. And why are the people laughing and applauding? Simple. They believe that this idiot is not speaking about them. But he is. Only lie-brals (pronounced LIE-brals) believe that these policies do not apply to them.

When an insurance company chooses not to cover you, you still, have the option to go somewhere else or choose to pay for it yourself. (the latter is the more expensive option). When the government option chooses not to cover you, you die. Where is the option then? So I urge you to call, e-mail , twitter, or write you Senator to say no to anything that will lead to a single-payer/government option. The libs won't listen, but the "independents" should. Actually all parties should.


They're Also Wrong
Thanks to Right Wing News for this link. Great Site Check it out. But I would also like to add that a liberal believes that Socialism is great for everyone...except them. A Conservative believes Capitalism is great for everyone. A liberal believes that a Single Payer system is a good for everyone. A Conservative believes that a single payer system doesn't exist because it is all the tax payers (100,000,000 or so) paying for everyone's insurance. ( 2007: rounded down by author). I'll end with a question: Why is the only defense of this Health Care Reform "what do you have that is better?"?


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Things I Am Willing to Go Jail For

I heard a statement this week that if you do not go along with getting insurance, there will be a hefty fine and possible jail time. I am going to continue to pay my insurance premiums if Obama Care passes. If that plan eliminates my employer based health care, I will not participate in the public option. I have a question: If Obama Care is about competition, how does it eliminate my employer based health care?
I will not participate in the following suggested mandates:
Those curly Q light bulbs that are only good for closets
Get an eco-refrigerator
An eco-dishwasher
An eco-bed
A low flush toilet- or be told how many times I can flush it
A smart-thermostat
Answering questions on the Census above and beyond: How many people live in your house?
The amendment to the previous demand is I will answer any question in exchange of Obama himself answering one of my questions.
I will not get a Hybrid
I will not get an eco-dryer (AKA a clothesline for my back yard).
I will not follow anything dictated by the EPA. If they are so concerned about the CO2 in the air. Let them start by stop emitting CO2.
I may have left somethings out, but I am sick and tired of being told to do things for the common good. If you want to do any of these things, doesn't fell better to do it because you (the individual) believe it is the right thing to do? Once it is mandated by the government (AKA the man) (remember that belief libs?) does it feel less good? You will lose you elitism. Do you want to give that up?
All these listed I believe are in the Cap and Trade bill. I oppose Cap and Trade and being dictated to by non-elected entities. Please e-mail, twitter, Face book, do what ever you can to defeat this massive increases of your taxes.
