Monday, September 28, 2009


Firs,t I would like to thank Great website. Check it out.
A lot has been said about these videos this week. I would like to take the time to deconstruct one of the praise songs. I would like to say that I don't sing praises to any man. Only God and his son Jesus Christ. With that said, after the MMM Barack Hussein Obama the first line is "Make this country strong again". How is he doing that? Missile defense shield is down in Europe, rights for terrorists in gitmo and working to bring them on our soil. Going after the producers of this country, apologizes for America at every opportunity, and ignores the voice of the American people. I ask again to a President that says nothing positive about his country, how is making us strong? And were we really that weak in the first place?
"Equal work and Equal pay". Let's see: capping CEO's salaries. For all of you that work under a CEO and you make a per hour paycheck, are you responsible for the entire corporation? And if there are so many restrictions, where is the incentive to move up? I guess there's not, just demand more money with no additional responsibilities. Paying the Unions before shareholders, which includes money to Union retirees that haven't worked for the company for years.
"Everyone gets a chance" A chance to do what? Succeed? 10% unemployment. Expanding unemployment benefits. Pushing Cap and Trade. Trying to put the insurance companies out of business. Therefore there will be more unemployment. By increasing taxes on everyone. I don't see where everyone has a chance.
"All the people are in his sights". What does this mean? Does this mean that there is an attack on the American people? He has told us to shut up and get out of the way. He also pushes for civility. Meaning shut up again. His agenda is compassionate. Yeah, get insurance or go to jail with a hefty fine. That's compassion?
Finally, "We honor you". For what? Getting elected. I can get elected. He hasn't even fulfilled the three things that he campaigned on ( bring our troops home, fix the economy, spend less than Bush). What are his accomplishments? List them please!
So not only is the indoctrination sickening, but it is just more rhetoric. I want a real, direct, talking to. I haven't watched PBS for over 30 years, so stop the clever songs and the catchy chants. Tell me what you are going to do and if we the people don't like it, deal with it.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Democrats Want Canadians Dead
We have all seen the clip of Ed Shultz tirade that Republicans want to see Americans dead. Since the cable channel that shows the picture of Earth from space gets better ratings, I took the liberty of posting the link here thanks to YouTube. Unfortunately, I think Media Matters put it there and I should give them attribution. (your welcome, George).
First, I have a suggestion to Ed Shultz. Just because you have one anecdotal story to tell about an anonynus person and you yell it. It doesn't make your argument any more convincing. I am going to try your tactic without yelling. There's this guy who lives in Oregon who had diabetes and in order to save his life they had to cut off half his foot. He walked into a hospital and within hours was treated and within a week had the operation. He didn't have insurance, but set up a payment plan with the hospital and agreed to pay the bill because he was alive.
See how easy that is? This story I am sure without doing too much research is common. A man has a heart attack in this country, within minutes EMT's show up and take him to the hospital and treat him without asking if he has insurance. God this is fun! OK, Enough of that. Here is a link to an article that is factual...Did you see that word Ed? FACTUAL!

See, not only do we have the greatest health care in the world, but we also supplement Canada's health care system. Without our fantastic health care system there would be less Canadians. The Canadian government is denying (rationing) coverage to their citizens. If we nationalize health care, we will not be able to treat 11 million more Americans with less doctors and the Canadians. So with Democrats pushing this so hard, my only conclusion is that they want to see Canadians dead. They (the Democrat lead government) could make more money with more Canadian corpses then to just leave the whole thing alone and we can continue to be the best health care in the world.
Even someone with an IQ under 100, like Ed, could see that this has to be the case. So much for being a global citizen. If we are to be global citizens, shouldn't we have compassion for our neighbors to the north? Or is this just another case of hypocrisy from the left? We can have amnesty for 10 million illegal aliens(did I just say that, yes I did), but not maintain our current policy of helping anyone who comes through the doors of our hospitals.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Maybe He Stayed at a Holiday Inn Express Last Night

President Obama went almost every talk show this Sunday. I did not watch any of them because I watch my softball on ESPN. I also didn't watch because I didn't think I would here anything different. I haven't been spoon fed since I was an infant. But George Stephanopoulos changed that. When I woke up this morning I was greeted in my e-mail box with this: Did you watch it? Before Obama was condescending to Mr. Stepenopoulos, he said, "We're not going to have other people carrying the burden for you." Really? This goes counter to a fundamental belief of his presidency. He believes in the redistribution of wealth. I could link that quote also but I assume you have already seen it. He doesn't want others carrying the burden for others. I think I am part of carrying burden for almost 40% of other Americans. Some Americans not only pay no taxes, but receive money from the government (AKA the taxpayer).

This is what drives me nuts with liberals. They can't apply their logic across the board. He believes in the redistribution on wealth, but in this case, he doesn't. Profit is bad if you're a corporation. Unless you're a corporation that sells carbon credits.(Right Al) But not if you author two books, are Democrat Senator, are an anchor on NBC, CBS, ABC. Making over $200,000 a year is bad. Unless you are a Union President and the previously mentioned persons. Dissent is bad, or should I say racist, unless your opinion is ok'd by Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barney Frank.

What I think the President is leading to is that his opinion should be accepted as fact. (2+2=5) As much as I disagreed with the policies of the Bush Administration(TARP and the beginning of the auto bailout) I don't remember coming home EVERY NIGHT and catching a president in a contradiction or dare I say it: A lie. What I want is leadership from my President. And not authorizing military request, defunding missile defense, apologizing for our history not talking about what is great about America, and saying you know nothing about the funding ACORN(It was in the stimulus that you supposedly read and now we know you did not). Remember when Afiganistan was where we should have invaded instead of Iraq? All accused criminals have rights, unless you are a former advisor or interigators. I could go on but you get the point.
This is not leadership this is pushing an ideology and Obama as celebrity playing the President.


Friday, September 18, 2009

"Gone" Barack Obama

Barack Obama Countdown widget brought
to you by

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Well This Clears Up Nothing

Well the libs are rolling out their clean up hitter President Carter to clear up the debate over health care. You can watch the video thanks to Realclear

Since there is a lot of demands for apologies these days I would like one from President Carter for calling me a racist. The Political ads in this part of the country played up his white heritage. There was no mention that he was African-American. (Well except the visual one). So I am declaring victory for the defeat of Nationalize Health care because my rules of engagement for argument is the first one to name call loses. That's it. That's the best the proponents of this liberty stealing, tax increasing, power grab of legislation can do. (No mention of Obama's race in any of the negatives that I just laid out). When you hear the word Government in any context, insert "my money" and you will view Entitlement programs in a completely different light. Example: "With this Bill, Government will insure 47 million people. " Now say: My money will pay for the insurance of 47 million people that I don't know. Doesn't sound as powerful, but is equally true. And there was no mention of the President's race,


Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Fans of Joe Wilson

The following people, based on their comments are fans of Joe Wilson. He is the Representative from South Carolina who yelled out you lie during President Obama's speech:
Nancy Pelosi
Joe Biden
Jeremiah Wright
Van Jones
Jesse Jackson
Barack Obama
Harry Ried
Jeanne Garafalo(sp?) no disrespect intended, but I am white
Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton
Code Pink
Reform for America Now
All the people that sang the "Hey Hey Goodbye" song during The Presidential Inauguration
All the coconuts (Mark Levin phrase) in Congress that booed when then President Bush suggested we should reform Medicare and Social Security in 2006.
I probably forgot some people but the point is that the libs believe that dissent is good when the cause supports their ideology. I support all dissenters. Speak out, but be articulate, factual, and respectful. All opinions are welcome here. You can disagree all day long, but tell me why without name-calling or labeling. And for the record I do not listen to the Rush Limbaugh Show, though I should he sounds like an intelligent person (If he agrees with me) Sarcasm intended.
I don't get it, it is patriotic to protest the war, abortion rights, wiretapping, enhanced interrogations, if YOUR guy is not in office, but when YOUR guy does the same thing (the war in Afghanistan, corporations turning over their computers) it is okay. The only consistent member of the cuckoo-clan is Cindy Sheehan who has said "War is wrong no matter who the President is." By the way libs, your Messiah who is destined to change the world, has followed the Bush doctrine in Iraq(now liberated) and in Afghanistan(voted for the first time).
If the left was more consistent they wouldn't be so frustrating.(Libs are fun when they're not in power-Mark Levin) Fine you don't agree with me. But you can't continue down this road of hypocrisy and hope to survive, the American people are too smart.
The debate is over. The American people have spoken. The translation of these statements is equivalent to "I am the Mom that's why" We didn't stand for it as 8 year old kids; why should we stand for it now. The American people have spoken 10 months ago, 52.7% said they wanted this guy as President. But 88% don't want Nationalize Health care. The American people have spoken. Why aren't the leadership listening now.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness

Is this President kidding? He is quoting the Bible in front of religious leaders! Didn't he say that the ignorant (emphasis is mine) people just cling to their guns and religion? How can he say that if you disagree with his health care plan, all you can do is lie? What has he said? What I want is leadership. Fine he and I disagree on weather government can run health care for everyone. But what is the counter argument? I want Barack to come out and say "that the plan I want is A...B...C...D. "But he can't. What he wants is what 88% of Americans do not want and that is a single payer system. And for all of you who do not understand what that means I will spell it out for you. It is one entity paying for all health care. AKA the Government. AKA You, with higher taxes. Now I know that some receive money from the government and it is no burden to you, but I pay 36% of my income to the government. It is my highest debtor including my health insurance, car payments...well all other bills combined. Put and end to this monopoly! Single payer leads to rationing...fact. Single payer leads to higher taxes...fact. Single payer is more government dictating in your life...fact. Where are the lies? Death Panels...the whole bill is a death panel. I am not bearing false witness here, I believe this. The fact is that competition leads to better service and better products. The example is the computer. Years ago the computer used to take up entire rooms of the office building and were VERY expensive. Now you can put them in your lap and sip a non-fat, half-whip-mocha-green tea-frappacino while search out the next corporation to hate. This is insanity. I know....Iknow....we all have the right to not go broke if we get sick. What about cars, groceries, homes. Wait they already tried the latter and look where we are now. I want leadership, not rhetoric, the campaign season is over and it is time to lead. But this administration can't because they have TO SELL us the policies because they have ALL failed in the past. Please if you call yourself a Progressive can you please progress past the 1940's. FDR is dead and Keynesian economics have never worked. Hope vs Fear please I do not fear what I have already seen does not work. I'll end with question: Name ONE government program that has not gone into debt, lowered prices and been more efficient? Just one.