Thursday, October 15, 2009

Robert Riech is a Fear Monger

When you listen to the first clip you get a faux -intellectual telling you that everyone that is against the public option(from here on it will be referred to as the government option) is using fear tactics and false information. He explains(falsely) that you can continue to buy insurance as you always have. Except that he left out the fact that.once the government option is in place, the private insurance has to offer the same plan as the government option. Example: a 66 year old man has to carry a plan that includes pre-natal care. You are forced to buy insurance, you no longer have a choice (option). Employers will be taxed if they don't comply with the government option. He claims that everyone hates insurance. Though poll after poll shows that 80% of Americans are satisfied with their insurance plan. The complaints are coming from the fact that some of the costs are coming from they have to pay for things that they will never use.

Massachusetts forces everyone to buy insurance and they have the highest insurance costs in the nation. And it sucks. Oregon has a Health care plan. And it sucks. Unless you need an abortion, are addicted to drugs, alcohol, or are obeese. The facts show that when government gives you an option all it does is increase the costs to the taxpayer. He says the government option would not be subsidised by anyone. I think he meant to say everyone who pays taxes. The government produces nothing, therefore the money can only come from one source: YOU. He said that it would negotiate lower prices. Since when does the government care about lower prices. He says the drug companies have and interest in seeing this fail. But Pharamacutical companies are supposedly on board with this. He says it cost too much. How much is your life worth? I have never walked into a medical office and said "Please skimp on my treatment" or "Don't do everything you can to save the life of my child". We Americans complain about the cost of everything. That is what we do. "If it free it is for me" should be our motto.

He says the lobbyist in Washington are pushing to defeat this. don't know...AARP, AMA, big Pharm, ABA (American Bar Association) , SEIU, UAW, NEA, ACORN. Wait they all support this.

In the second clip you get the truth about the government option. It will kill people because the government chooses to. Whichever disease is politically forthright(gave the most money) will get treatment because the government said so. Hey libs remember when you hated the man, now the man is choosing who lives and dies. And why are the people laughing and applauding? Simple. They believe that this idiot is not speaking about them. But he is. Only lie-brals (pronounced LIE-brals) believe that these policies do not apply to them.

When an insurance company chooses not to cover you, you still, have the option to go somewhere else or choose to pay for it yourself. (the latter is the more expensive option). When the government option chooses not to cover you, you die. Where is the option then? So I urge you to call, e-mail , twitter, or write you Senator to say no to anything that will lead to a single-payer/government option. The libs won't listen, but the "independents" should. Actually all parties should.


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